Here are some other interesting bits about our chickens and our chicken coop

First, Big Bird turned out white! All the yellow fluff disappeared, and she grew in stark white feathers. Sadly, Big Bird is no longer with us. We found her in the doorway of the coop one afternoon. While there was no actual sign of an attack, we have decided that her Official Story is that she died in defense of the Coop.

a white bird in a yard

Lager was our other all-white chicken. I had never known that a chicken could be so... gruff? One of my favorite memories of Lager was when she (badly) needed a bath, and I swear to you that chicken was smiling; she enjoyed it that much.

a white chicken in a driveway

Honey and Wheat were our two Buff Orpingtons. Honey, aptly named, had one the sweetest dispostions you've ever seen. Wheat was a close second. Honey is shown in the top of the picture, and Wheat is at the bottom.

two golden chickens in a yard

Ah, Hoppy... Hoppy (twin to Malty) developed a problem with her legs. It left her unable to climb the ramp into the hen house, so we brought her inside to care for her. Here, we are bathing her feet in the closest "tub" that was at hand, which happened to be a cooking pot (that we never use)

a chicken bathing in a cooking pot

After we got her cleaned up, her feet needed to protected for a while. So, we did the best thing we could, and put socks over her bandages. No, seriously. A chicken in socks.

We also have a family of wild turkeys that use our house as part of their daily commute..

a flock of wild turkeys in a yard

.. and the occasional deer wandering through to sample the chicken feed.

a deer inside a coop, eating the chicken feed

Not shown here are the hedgehogs, rabbits, possums, and skunks that also regularly visit our yard. Oh, and a pair of ducks just moved into our as-yet-unopened pool. *sigh*