Adventures with a Chicken Coop

Well, when I met my soon-to-be-wife, she had already had the chickens for half a decade. The coop they were living in, she built that with her own hands. That they were coming with her was not up for debate. So, we did the only logical thing... We put the entire coop on a flatbed trailer, and hauled it to the new house!

a chicken coop mounted a on a flatbed trailer

As for the chickens themselves, did you know that chickens fit comfortably inside cat carriers?

chickens secured inside cat carriers

... and in the end, it worked out perfectly!

a chicken coop on pavers with chickens inside

A few years later, an exceptionally strong wind storm came through, and knocked a tree down on top of the coop.

a tree fallen on to a chicken coop

But, as I believe I mentioned, my wife built it herself. The coop withstood the tree like a champ! Only minor repairs were needed. Still Curious felt the need to supervise her work.

a white chicken looks on as a woman repairs a chicken coop

Unsurprisingly, the rest of the Littles quickly decided to join Curious in her supervisory role

four chickens look on as a woman repairs a chicken coop